H&H Executes workshop for the North Darfur Localities to ensure preparedness for contingency planning

Recently, COOPI organization solicited H&H Consultancy to conduct the TOT training workshop on contingency planning that targeted relevant government officials from all the localities in North Darfur who shall in turn help cascade the training to local communities and lead implementation of location specific contingency plans that shall be developed during the TOT training. The role of H&H was to conduct desk review, design and develop training material, deliver, facilitate and execute training workshop, coaching participants to devise draft contingency plans for their localities and final report writing.

The workshop was aimed to enhance the capacity of government officials to development and implementation of area or locality based contingency plans. Its learning objectives was to widen the knowledge on contingency planning, develop a common understanding among government officials and communities on the scope of emergency, needs within the emergency, and how to plan to mitigate it, identification of gaps that can hinder the potential response and to explain the role of each government and community sectors in addressing the needs of the affected population in the first weeks of an emergency.

Worth mentioning, COOPI Sudan is engaged in implementing a project on Emergency Interventions to restore water access and foster resilience of refugees, IDPs and vulnerable host communities in North Darfur. Part of their project set to target training government officials in contingency planning which should enable the officials to train different communities in identification of emergency response, correspondence preparedness mechanisms for different type of disasters.